Stainless steel also known as inox steel or inox contains about 10% of chromium. Other metals like nickel, molybdenum, titanium, niobium and some other are also present in stainless steel. However with stainless steel rust can be easily formed over it. The best way to avoid rusting and have a fine finish is go for Stainless steel coatings. Stainless steel is very hard and is used in Bridges, Buildings, wires, cookware, cutlery, hardware, surgical instruments, vehicles and a lot many other places. Just imagine a rusted bridge or building it won’t last long but if it comes with a stainless steel coating then it would have nice finish and there would be no chance of rusting.

Types of Stainless Steel
  • Austenitic or 300 series
  • Ferritic
  • Martensitic
  • Duplex Stainless Steel
From above mentioned stainless steel types we can make our high end kitchens, interiors, buildings, vehicles and lot more other things.

Stainless steel coatings are a layer of substance spread over a surface for protection or decoration. It is like a covering layer and provides resistance and protection to stainless steel like wear resistance, electrical resistance, or thermal protection. Today there are lots of ways available for the stainless steel coatings but the most effective way for the coating is hydrophobic and oleophobic (oil-repelling) treatment.

Both these treatments do not affect the life or appearance of your steel; what it does is gives is a finished and polished look to your steel. These treatments can be applied through many methods such as dip coating, roll coating, wiping, inkjet, and many others.  Now a day’s Coatings is very easy it is just like a spray bottle you have to spray on stainless steel sheet or at the layer than it is done.  Stainless Steel Coatings is necessary for all the industries. Stainless steel Coatings is also used for the jewelry and watches so we can say that stainless steel is used everywhere and for the protection of the steel we have to apply coatings on it. 



According to a study on weight loss among women in USA around 18% of teenage girls fewer than 18 years of age were found to be overweight. That is really shocking as there are a growing percentage of teenagers who are becoming obese. As per results of the same study 78% of women in USA suffer from obesity problems. 52% of girls who were found obese had more than 120Kgs of weight placing them in the highly overweight category. Facts coming out of this study are eye openers and need urgent attention towards them or in few years the numbers would just double up.

At some point of time we are bound to think how such large numbers of women are turning obese, but if you look around closely you yourself can find the answer yourself. Changing lifestyles in which physical activity is zero, inadequate sleep, barging snacks while watching TV whole day long along with spoiled food habits with only junk food, ice creams and chocolates all day; whole week is the main culprit behind fast weight gain.

When we are talking about weight loss surgery, than Bariatric surgery is highly effective for the obesity. As per the experience mostly all women took bariatric surgery very lightly. So here my personal advice for those women is that please don’t take this kind of surgery very lightly. Because of the obesity there are lots of medical problem is occurred. Some of the problems impacts negative on mind at many levels. Here we can see some of the problems occurred bye the obesity:

In today’s fast paced lifestyle where women do not have time to exercise, meditate nor do any kind of physical activity often prefer a dangerous way of losing weight i.e. opting for weight loss surgery. Bariatric surgery for weight loss is highly opted by women to solve their weight issues. They do not even think once before going for such kind of weight loss surgery nor do many of them know about after surgery consequences. If you are reading this I advice not to go for any kind of weight loss surgery as there are numerous post surgery issues that arise.

Some of the problems caused by opting for weight loss surgery are
  • From the medical perspective there are lots of problems like suffering from hypertension, Diabetes, sleep disorders etc.
  • Financial Impact – These weight loss surgeries are costly and can make a huge dent on your savings.
  • Weight loss surgery requires a good amount of recovery time in the meanwhile body would not react as we want; this sometimes cause mental frustration and we ponder whether it was worth going for weight loss surgery.
I would prefer natural ways to weight loss over women going for weight loss surgery. There are many advantages of opting for natural weight loss rather than forced weight loss.
  • Exercise, Exercise and Exercise – Start with 20 minutes a day and extend to 1 hour a day doing various types of exercises for weight loss.
  •  Practice Yoga and Mediation – Performing various forms of yoga can help you lose weight.
  • Run – Brisk running or walking is recommended when you plan to lose weight.
  • Diet – Have a proper diet full of fruits, salads and green vegetables rather than having junk food.
  • I Will Attitude – Always have a positive attitude and think that yes I will lose 10 ounces of weight in fix time.
  • Take natural weight loss pills like Nuvoryn – It would help you in weight loss without any side effects
This natural ways surely help to lose weight it’s just that it requires some effort and dedication. But at the same time there are no side effects attached with this natural weight loss process but there are lots of complications after surgery. So just think Twice because LIFE IS VERY PRECIOUS!!

When we are talking about Weight Loss the first things that comes to our mind is a fat person be it a men or women who is high on weight and looks completely different from our selves. We also think Gosh… who is going to talk to them if they are so ugly looking. Now a day’s Weight loss problem is rampantly increasing just because of not eating proper food, having enough sleep as well as not giving enough attention to our body. Because of this we can say that obesity is increasing very rampantly.
We all are aware about the weight facts that if we our body is not fit and we are obese then many we may suffer from diseases like diabetes and cholesterol. To avoid all these complications it is better to lose weight. There are many ways of losing weight be it hitting the Gym, controlled diet, practicing yoga, taking weight loss supplements like Nuvoryn, drinking green tea and more.

Whichever way it be you need to make sure the process is natural and there are no side effects to your selected way of weight loss. Natural weight Loss means that you have to depend on natural foods or natural products that are safe. You can do these things without taking anybody’s help. It is very natural method to burn weight without any side effects.

If you are running tight on schedule and do not have time to exercise then it is better.

Tips for the Natural Weight Loss :-
  • For preparing foods use natural and herbal products such as vegetable oil, coconut oil and fish oil instead of butter.
  • You have to chew your breakfast and lunch rather than just galloping everything it will also help in weight loss. 
  • You should consult dietician because they can help you in preparing a food chart to help lose weight.

  • Keep your breakfast, lunch and dinner with full of vitamins.
  • You have to do the exercises regularly. Always go for the walk after taking lunch or dinner. It will be very helpful to burn your weight.
  • I suggest taking natural diet pills like Nuvoryn to reduce weight rather than over the counter weight loss products as natural products do not have side effects.
  • Always take some time for the cardio exercises to burn your fat.
  • Make out some proper goal because without goal you can just waste your time so follow your plan, your dietician and natural foods.
  • Avoid your selves form junk foods, street foods, drinks.
  • Always Drink Green Tea because it will help you to lose your weight.
You have to keep all this points in mind if you are serious about weight loss. Once again let me remind you your weight loss method should always be natural rather than losing weight in a short time as it has adverse consequences later on. 

Image Credits :- Sophie2778